The dining halls at Rutger’s are wasting a tremendous amount of food. Their four dining halls waste up to 50 tons of food EVERY DAY! This is due to the mediocre meals that students don’t want to finish. Although it won’t be easy, Rutger’s can take short term and long term approaches to help fix this problem, like allowing students to take leftovers or asking the students what they would actually eat, so they can stop preparing meals nobody wants. I definitely noticed a lot of food waste when I ate at the dining halls here at UMW. Trash cans full of uneaten food and meals going cold sitting in the windows. I remember one time someone stopped me and said I could not take leftovers, they forced us to waste food! I think this is a huge issue but steps can be taken to reduce the amount of food that goes to waste.
Waste at Rutgers
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