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New Zealand has more than 1000kg of food surplus a year. This food will be worth up to $10,000 and would account for 2600kg of carbon emissions if it ended up all going to landfills instead of households. The Canterbury Joint Waste Committee awarded a grant to the app, “Foodprint”, in order to help spread its services throughout the region. Michal Garvey and partners created the app to help cut down on food waste by joining with local eateries to make sure no surplus food goes to waste. When an eatery needs to get rid of surplus food, it will send a push notification to the user’s phone to let them know of price cuts and discounts on leftover food. These discounts could be anywhere from 30% to 90% and the user could then purchase the food on the app and come pick it up at the end of the business day. The app will go live on Tuesday in Timaru and will be partnered with a couple local businesses. The founder hopes for the app to gain traction and spread throughout the country and hopefully the world to help cut back on food waste. The creators of the app want to help solve the relationship between economics and food waste.

Srinivasa, Yashas. “Foodprint App Launched to Combat Food Waste in Timaru.” Stuff, newsNationalWorldthe forever projectPoliticsBusinessprosperruralTechnologySportRugbyvoices & in depthperspectivesPou TiakiSpotlightStuff NationCartoonsPodcastslivingTravelHomedLifeStyleEntertainmentComplexMotoringFood & WineOddstuffregionsnorthlandAucklandWaikatoBay of PlentyTaranakihawke’s baymanawatuWairarapawellingtonnelsonmarlboroughWest Coastcanterburysouth canterburyotagosouthlandmoreWeatherQuizzesPuzzlesNewslettersabout