On Aug. 8 and 10 to the App Store and Google Play Store respectively, developers Shrey Agrawal ’24 and Avaash Bhattarai ’26 released ‘GrinEats’. The app was pitched to combat food waste by monitoring the eating habits of its users- to then be made available to dining services. While the app itself features challenges in funding and accurateness of dining dish photos, app authors seek to continue to improve the app for as long as possible, provided that it is currently ran off of their individual laptops.
I find this development to be a really interesting concept, and given that over 600 individuals downloaded it within the first 24 hours of release, it is clear that I am not alone in thinking this. Having a similar implementation in delivery applications for our own university dining services might allow for a mire widespread and accurate data-set for adjusting food supply on behalf of the dining hall.
Garcia, J. P. (2023, September 25). Students develop GrinEats, an app to reduce food waste. The Scarlet & Black. https://thesandb.com/43819/article/college-students-grineats-to-reduce-food-waste/#