Zero Food Waste

Category: Technology and food waste (page 6 of 8)

AI Elicits Industry-Low Waste

Gary Drenick

Reducing Waste Using Artificial Intelligence

Sydney Houck

Intelligent Packaging has the Potential to Become the New Best-Before Date

Sydney Houck

Turning Food Waste into Natural Gas

Zoe Harrington

Turning Food Waste into Natural Gas

Zoe Harrington

New Machine turning Food Waste into fertilizer

Zoe Harrington

IKEA cuts its food waste by 54%

Ava Spencer

Everybody Uses Apps; These Ones Will Help You Reduce Food Waste!

Clare Toeniskoetter

Reducing Food Waste with the Help of Bees

Annie Wadovick

Algae and Food Waste Turned into Leather

Annie Wadovick

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A TRU Writer powered SPLOT: Zero Food Waste