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How can a government save money, improve the environment, and immediately help the community members most in need? By creating a permanent and stable method of tax incentives for businesses around donating food that would otherwise be thrown out. Rome is currently seeking to not just reduce food waste, but also help at-risk populations, reduce economic loss caused by waste, and meet environmental benchmarks by providing small businesses, like bakeries, to donate their leftover food instead of throwing it away. Much like the United States, the European Union has seen an increase in the amount of food wasted and has been working under the UN agenda for comprehensive ways to reduce that waste. Tax incentives at the local and national scale can be a way moving forward to help the United States see a reduction in food waste. By following the progress and any success in Rome’s tax incentive program, communities in the US can have an idea as to how they can implement a similar program in their community. 

TZVETOZAR VINCENT IOLOV, 2021-09-10 13:13:42 (LAST EDIT 2021-09-10 13:21:40) "Rome offers tax incentive to lower food waste" The Mayor -